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Titolo: Morse Practice Program – Tutorial CW in MS-DOS
Inserito da: INFORADIO il Gio 26 Aprile, 09:56 2018
Morse Practice Program – Tutorial CW in MS-DOS

Disponibile alla seguente pagina:

    This release of the Morse Practice Program (Version 1.10a) contains a
couple of bug fixes and no new features.  It fixes the problem that was
encountered with Version 1.10 where the machine would lock up if a text file
over 40K was loaded.  It also fixes a problem that prevented it from running
on any 8088 based PCs.  My apology to anyone who was inconvenienced by either
of these problems.

         Quick Start Instructions

    To install the program on the hard disk, copy all files from the floppy
disk to the desired subdirectory.

    To start the program, type MPP

    If you have an LCD screen or monochrome system that emulates color and
the screen is hard to read, start the program with MPP -B instead.

    To select options, click on the desired option with the left mouse
button or press the ALT key along with the highlighted letter in the option

    To send code, press F2 to go to the Practice Screen, select the sending
mode, and press F8.

    To stop sending, press F9.

    To exit from the program, press F10.

    Full instructions on the use of the program are found in the file
USERMAN.TXT which is set up to be printed on any standard ASCII printer.

    I would like to thank Barry Cruise, KI3K, for the time he spent testing
early versions of the program and for all the helpful suggestions (most of
which were implemented) that he offered.  Thanks also go to Rolf Jespersen,
N3LA, for all his input and suggestions.  Also thank you to anyone else who
offered suggestions for features in the program.

    I would be interested in hearing any comments or suggestions you may
have or any problems you encounter in using the program.  I hope you find
it useful.

   Dennis R. McManus,  W3IMA
   28 McIlvain Drive
   Downingtown, PA  19335